Bollywood has been waiting for Aishwarya Rai to return on screen and also to get a glimpse of the Beti B, husband Abhishek Bachchan is sure that she would continue acting once she is ready. In an recent interview Abhishek discusses about his new film Players, and also talks about the tough times he had in the recent past delivering all flops and shares few things which we didn't know and which makes him happy.
Abhishek Bachchan was talking to a industry insider in an exclusive interview to promote Players which released yesterday. Abhishek not only spoke about his film and the exciting stunt scenes but also about his wife Aishwarya Rai and his little daughter he is proud off. He even said that its unlikely that Aishwarya will return to acting anytime soon.
He added saying that "Ash wants to enjoy all the little moments in her motherhood and she doesn't want to miss out on anything. The proud father also said that Aishwarya Rai is doing a excellent job as a mother.
Abhishek continued saying " When I said that Aishwarya woudlnt return to acting anytime soon, it doesn't mean that she will not make a comeback. “I’m sure, she would continue acting and I am the last person on earth to stop her,” says Abhishek Bachchan laughing. He also shared some light moment by talking about his earlier flop movies and one should think about the fact that how he is not getting much of a attentions because he is the son of Amitabh Bachchan.
Players which is a remake of The Italian Job is an great opportunity for him since Micheal Caine’s 1969 film used to be one of his favourites and the Actor seems quite excited about the movie.
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