Thursday 29 December 2011

Bloom Says - Post Delivery Kerr's Even More Sexy

Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr
Orlando Bloom in a recent interview has revealed that he is attracted even more to his wife Miranda Kerr after her delivery in January. Its regular for couple that after marriage their attraction to each other will be lessened, but for Orlando and Kerr its not the case, they have become much more attracted to each other post delivery.

He said "Attraction doesn't stop when a child is born. Its the opposite. Being a mum and dad makes you even sexier," a British Magazine quoted Orlando as saying. After giving birth to Flynn, both Bloom and Kerr have gotten serious with their family. The Hollywood actor said who fatherhood had changed his life.

"Its the most challenging part of my life. And I feel blessed with Flynn who turned my world upside down," he said. Now I spend more time with my son.

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